Unveiling the Golf Lessons of 2023 - Volume 14

Welcome back, friends!

Welcome to Volume 14 of the newsletter! As we delve into the insights and experiences from 2023, I want to begin by saying that this issue is all about the big takeaways. Golf, much like life, is a journey marked by learning and growth. Every round played and every practice session embarked upon offers a chance to improve, adapt, and refine our skills. This year, I've encountered several game-changing revelations. So, as we begin to run out of daylight and warm weather, here are my top 3 takeaways from the 2023 season. Enjoy!

1. Commit to a Single Shot Shape

Throughout this year, a crucial takeaway for me was the importance of sticking to a single shot shape, particularly with my driver. After struggling with consistency during the first half of the season, where I'd alternate between draws and fades on different holes, I committed to hitting only a fade off the tee.

Keeping it simple with one shape improved accuracy – after all, sometimes, boring golf equals great golf.

This decision significantly improved my commitment, shot visualization, and pre-shot routine. Knowing the exact feel I wanted allowed me to rehearse it before every drive, resulting in consistently more accurate tee shots during the latter part of the season. I applied a similar approach with my irons, sticking to my natural draw unless a specialty shot was required. Keeping it simple with one shape improved accuracy – after all, sometimes, boring golf equals great golf.

2. AimPoint Express

One game-changer in 2023 for me was enhancing my green-reading skills. Controlling speed and hitting intended starting lines were strengths, but my green reading needed improvement. Enter AimPoint, a system that applies mathematical precision to reading greens. It's like learning simple addition; once you grasp the system, you can make more accurate reads on your putts. AimPoint measures slope percentage and green speed, allowing precise predictions of a ball's roll. This system was originally created to enhance spectator experience in professional golf broadcasts – it's where they derive the putt line. I highly recommend you visit AimPoint's website and commit to learning this skill over the winter. You don't need access to a green – just find some slopes to practice on.

3. Mastering Green Side Shots

Consistency in my scores took a big leap when I improved my green side shots, anything within 30 yards of the green. I found a valuable resource in Dan Greives, a teaching professional on YouTube, who excels in explaining and demonstrating these shots. Previously, I could execute these shots but didn't fully understand the mechanics. They suddenly disappeared from my game for several years. After watching Dan's instructional videos, I recaptured the skills. These shots have been a joy to execute and have enabled me to get closer to the hole when missing greens. A strong short game significantly enhances scoring consistency. While I don't personally know Dan, I highly recommend his YouTube channel as he does an excellent job of explaining these shots.

Don't want to watch it on YouTube? I'm here to assist you with all these aspects when you need it. Feel free to visit my website or send me an email to schedule a lesson!

Winter Lessons!

Winter is just around the corner, and that means simulator golf is on its way too. Once again, I'll have my simulator setup for the off-season, and I'd be thrilled if you joined me for some indoor golf during the winter months. Check out my website for details on memberships and pricing! Sign ups will be available on November 1st and the expected start date of lessons will be on or around November 15th.

Simulator setup

Questions from my Wife Who Doesn’t Golf

👩 Wife: How soon should someone get fitted for golf clubs?

🏌️‍♂️ Me: Most individuals can start their golf journey with whatever equipment they have on hand. However, as they progress and achieve consistency in their contact, it becomes crucial to consider consulting their local PGA professional to assess whether club fitting is necessary. Some players might discover that their existing set is already a close fit, which can serve them well as they continue to hone their skills. On the other hand, those with outdated club sets could greatly benefit from the advancements in club technology, which might significantly enhance their performance.

  • 👉️Check out my Golf Journal blog where I’m archiving all of my Newsletters plus occasionally adding some additional content and thoughts.

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